Christian Montenegro

Es ilustrador. Su formación fue en historieta con Alberto Breccia y cursó diseño gráfico en la UBA.

Trabajó tanto en Argentina como en el exterior para revista, libros, publicidad, TV y web.

Realizó muestras en Buenos Aires, Barcelona y Berlín y conferencias en Argentina, Alemania, México, Chile, Brasil e India.

Su trabajo ha sido motivo de artículos en importantes revistas de diseño latinoamericanas, europeas y asiáticas; y ha sido seleccionado para formar parte del libro 100 Illustrators, de la editorial Taschen y de los catálogos de ilustradores argentinos "When cows fly…" de la Feria Infantil de Bologna y el American Illustration 35

Ganó el premio especial Swatch en Illustrative 2009 Berlín y fue destacado por la fundación ALIJA.

His first preparation was in the field of comics with Alberto Breccia, he attended his classes for 5 years. Time later he attended the career of graphic design in the Buenos Aires University, training that completed him as an illustrator.

He has been working both in Argentina and abroad for books, magazines, games, toys, advertising, TV, motion, murals and web.

He has had exhibitions in Buenos Aires, Barcelona, Berlin, New Delhi, Bombay, Mexico Df and Santiago de Chile.

His work has been selected to be part of the books "100 Illustrators" of the Taschen publishing house, "50 Years of Illustration" of the Laurence King publishing house, the catalog of Argentine illustrators "When cows fly ..." of the Children's Fair of Bologna, the American Illustration and 100 years of the Coca-Cola Bottle.

He won the special Swatch prize in Illustrative 2009 Berlin and have been highlighted by the ALIJA foundation.



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